Wednesday 25 October 2023

Leadership world cup


I have put 32 leadership qualities and put them against each other to see the most important to me. After a long time thing of what to choose my final result was courageous authenticity was my most important qualities to me.

My Inspiring Leader

my inspiring leader is Mother Teresa. She is an outstanding leader saving so many people's lives and making them better mentally and physically. I choose Mother Teresa because I watched a documentary about her and I was really fasanated about what she had done in her life time and the impacted she made in the world.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

My Leadership Circle

I am the Initiator because I am a confident, bold dreamer, and I can take charge of social situations. I will share thoughts about matters I'm working on. Some of the strengths that stick out to me are taking charge of situations when needed, trusting intuition and the ability to improvise, and searching for opportunities to grow. a few weaknesses I have are I may have a difficult time staying focused on one task, I have trouble following consistent, predictable routines, and I may resist formal structures and rules. places I can use my skills are at school, and sports. The way I can show my strengths and weaknesses at school is by stepping up to things and taking charge but for weaknesses, I can't focus for too long on one task and I don't like constant routines, for sports I make sure everyone is where they need to be and doing what they have to do, another strength is I improvise to what I need to do for the team, some weaknesses are that I can get to controlling or too distant. At the end of the day I agree with me being the Initiator.